Category Archives: Blog

Adventure, Blog, Places, Travel, Travel Tips

Exploring Ancient Rhodes

Rhodes represents just about the furthest from the UK you can possibly get without leaving mainland Europe. Bearing that in mind, it probably makes quite a lot of sense that the Greek island offers you an experience of a world just about as far removed from our familiar day to day lives as you can read more

Adventure, Blog, Places, Travel, Travel Tips

What to see in Budapest

The rise of budget airlines has really opened up international travel in a big way. These days, you can get flights at great prices to pretty much anywhere within Europe, so if you live anywhere in Europe, there’s almost no excuse not to see many of the amazing sights that the continent has on offer read more


Best Themed Restaurants for Cheap Holidays

There’s no doubt that themed restaurants are fun. But does the food come second and does that matter? We guess that depends on how important food is to you or how much you want to have a good time. Here are a few themed restaurants from around the world that you might want to head to or avoid like read more