Travel Tips

FAQ: A guide to cruising

If you’re considering going on your first cruise but are unsure about what to expect and whether you’ll enjoy it, our FAQ should help to answer some of your questions and put your mind at ease.

Meanwhile, you can find out more about specific itineraries and ships on this website.

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My Favourite Things – Places to Visit in Salzburg

When someone mentions Salzburg the thing that springs to many people’s minds is that wonderful classic The Sound of Music. It won’t surprise you to hear though that there is slightly more to the pretty Austrian city than that. You will be amazed at the number of things you will find to do read more

Adventure, Travel

Where wildlife lovers roam

It’s no secret that India is home to some amazing wildlife, especially in its many excellent national parks. Some of these reserves particularly stand out, though – especially Corbett National Park. So, today I’m going to be telling you all read more